
All Types

Name Summary
com.haroldadmin.vector.ActivityViewModelOwner A ViewModelOwner wrapping an Activity
androidx.activity.ComponentActivity (extensions in package com.haroldadmin.vector)
androidx.fragment.app.Fragment (extensions in package com.haroldadmin.vector)
com.haroldadmin.vector.FragmentViewModelOwner A ViewModelOwner which wraps the parent fragment of a ViewModel
com.haroldadmin.vector.loggers.Logger Used to write debug logs.
com.haroldadmin.vector.SavedStateVectorViewModel A Subclass of VectorViewModel that has access to a SavedStateHandle to easily persist state properties in case of process death
com.haroldadmin.vector.state.StateHolder Holds the current state value and provides access to it. A ConflatedBroadcastChannel is used to hold the current state value. clear should be called when this state holder is no longer in use.
com.haroldadmin.vector.state.StateProcessor An entity that manages any Action on state.
com.haroldadmin.vector.state.StateStore A class which can hold current state as well as handle actions to be performed on it.
com.haroldadmin.vector.Vector Singleton object to configure the library
com.haroldadmin.vector.VectorFragment A Fragment which has a convenient fragmentScope property to easily launch coroutines in it.
com.haroldadmin.vector.vectorLazy A lazy delegate class, which takes in an initializer to initialize its underlying property. Implements the double-checked locking algorithm.
com.haroldadmin.vector.VectorState A state object contains all the necessary information to render the view.
com.haroldadmin.vector.VectorViewModel The Base ViewModel class your ViewModel should inherit from
com.haroldadmin.vector.VectorViewModelFactory A Factory meant to be implemented using the Companion object of a VectorViewModel to provide ways to create the initial state, as well as the creation of the ViewModel itself.
com.haroldadmin.vector.VectorViewModelProvider A class which is responsible for creating ViewModel instances.
com.haroldadmin.vector.ViewModelOwner ViewModelOwner wraps the owner of a VectorViewModel.