vector / com.haroldadmin.vector.state / StateStore


abstract class StateStore<S :VectorState> :StateHolder<S>,StateProcessor<S>

A class which can hold current state as well as handle actions to be performed on it.


stateHolder - The delegate to handle StateHolder functions

stateProcessor - The delegate to handle StateProcessor functions


Name Summary
<init> StateStore(stateHolder:StateHolder<S>, stateProcessor:StateProcessor<S>)
A class which can hold current state as well as handle actions to be performed on it.


Name Summary
stateHolder open val stateHolder:StateHolder<S>
The delegate to handle StateHolder functions
stateProcessor open val stateProcessor:StateProcessor<S>
The delegate to handle StateProcessor functions


Name Summary
clear abstract fun clear():Unit
Clear any resources held by this state store. Implementations should also forward the call to stateHolder and stateProcessor