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This library provides a Kotlin Coroutines based Retrofit call adapter for wrapping your API responses in a NetworkResponse type.

See Installation for setup instructions.

Network Response

NetworkResponse<S, E> is a Kotlin sealed interface with the following states:

  • Success: Represents successful network calls (2xx response codes)
  • Error: Represents unsuccessful network calls
    • ServerError: Server errors (non 2xx responses)
    • NetworkError: IO Errors, connectivity problems
    • UnknownError: Any other errors, like serialization exceptions

It is generic on two types: a success response (S), and an error response (E).

  • S: Kotlin representation of a successful API response
  • E: Representation of an unsuccessful API response


Suppose an API returns the following body for a successful response:

Successful Response

  "name": "John doe",
  "age": 21

And this for an unsuccessful response:

Error Response

  "message": "The requested person was not found"

You can create two data classes to model the these responses:

data class PersonResponse(val name: String, val age: Int)

data class ErrorResponse(val message: String)

Then modify your Retrofit service to return a NetworkResponse:

suspend fun getPerson(): NetworkResponse<PersonResponse, ErrorResponse>>

// You can also request for `Deferred` responses
fun getPersonAsync(): Deferred<NetworkResponse<PersonResponse, ErrorResponse>>

Finally, add this call adapter factory to your Retrofit instance:


And voila! You can now consume your API as:

// Repository.kt
suspend fun getPerson() {
    when (val person = apiService.getPerson()) {
        is NetworkResponse.Success -> {
            /* Successful response */
        is NetworkResponse.Error -> {
            /* Handle error */

    // Or, if you care about the type of the error:
    when (val person = apiService.getPerson()) {
        is NetworkResponse.Success -> {
            /* ... */
        is NetworkResponse.ServerError -> {
            /* ... */
        is NetworkResponse.NetworkError -> {
            /* ... */
        is NetworkResponse.UnknownError -> {
            /* ... */

See Special Cases for dealing with more complicated scenarios.


Modelling errors as a part of your state is a recommended practice. This library helps you deal with scenarios where you can successfully recover from errors, and extract meaningful information from them too!

  • NetworkResponseAdapter provides a much cleaner solution than Retrofit's built in Call type for dealing with errors.Call throws an exception on any kind of an error, leaving it up to you to catch it and parse it manually to figure out what went wrong. NetworkResponseAdapter does all of that for you and returns the result in an easily consumable NetworkResponse subtype.
  • The RxJava retrofit adapter treats non 2xx response codes as errors, which seems silly in the context of Rx where errors terminate streams. Also, just like the Call<T> type, it makes you deal with all types of errors in an onError callback, where you have to manually parse it to find out exactly what went wrong.
  • Using the Response class provided by Retrofit is cumbersome, as you have to manually parse error bodies with it.


Add the Jitpack repository to your list of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

And then add the dependency in your gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.haroldadmin:NetworkResponseAdapter:(latest-version)"


This library uses OkHttp 4, which requires Android API version 21+ and Java 8+


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.